This week I want to start off with a verse,”So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:27 God created us in his image so we could have a friendship with Him. He created us to long for a friendship with Him. To put it more clearly he put a cross shaped hole in your heart and that hole makes you feel empty when the noise stops around you. Do you try to fill the crossed shaped hole in your heart with all the things the world says will make you happy? They will not make you happy, because the only thing that can satisfy the feelings of emptiness is Jesus Christ. He also created us to have certain things pull at our heart strings and that might be where he wants you to minister. George Müller felt a pull toward the poor people of the world. One day he was walking down the street when a little girl with her little brother on her shoulders asked him for a pence to buy dinner for her and her brother. He asked her about her parents, she said, that they both died in the bubonic plague and left her with nothing. This absolutely broke George and from that day forward he worked to make the Ashley Down orphanage. So, where is God calling you to minister? May be he is not calling you to start a ministry but he maybe calling you to pack a shoebox for Samaritan’s Purse or serve in your local church. Or maybe he is calling you to start a ministry. Maybe this week you can feel that the cross shaped hole in your heart is empty then you can fill it by clicking the gospel button below.