Sin cycle

I’m going to start off with a verse, Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: Genesis 12:1. This verse is about Abram better known as Abarham. This verse called Abraham out of what he knew to become the father of the Jewish nation. But if he would of stayed In the land of his father who taught him to worship the gods of the Samaritans. Then the one true God told Abraham to get out of his current cycle of sin and Idolatry. So that God could grow His people into a great nation, His nation. Both in size and in spirit, it’s better to get out of the sin pattern. So you can set a pattern of being in God’s word and prayer. As much as change can feel weird and even really annoying but change is good because it causes you to set new cycles in your life. Back to Abraham, when God calls him out so he could bring a redeemer through sinners. This is believed to be at the same time Job and Melchizedek king of Salem, a priest, were called out of sin to do extraordinary things for Him. You can see this all through out the Bible, and if you’re new to Christianity or you have been a Christian for a long time he wants you to stop being in sinful cycles. And set up a new cycle in your life. May be your not a Christian and if so I want to Encourage you to click the button that says the Gospel. To read the Gospel presentation because God wants to call you out of the cycle of sin in your life

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