Since this pandemic started there seems to be this feeling of hopelessness, because we see all that is going on through the distorted eyes of the media. The media is not covering all the good just the bad and if all the interaction we have with the outside world is through the view of the media, then it is very easy to allow hopelessness to settle in. It is also easy to feel hopeless when all the interaction with our families is through a screen or from a distance. Another thing that makes people feel hopeless is by being stuck at home, feeling like things will never get back to normal. All these things above can give us the feeling of hopelessness.
But, we can take off the lens that we are looking through and look through a different one, the one that God called us to look through, to change how we perceive things is half the battle of changing how we feel. The Bible says, “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3:1-4 When we apply these verses to our lives, we will see that we have a feeling of supernatural hope and peace that only God could give us. Because no matter where you are, who you are without, or how the world is currently being pulled apart, you can see and feel God moving and know that He is still on the throne.
It is like when NASA first put the Hubble telescope into space, it was configured wrong, so it was nearsighted. It could only focus on things that were close to it, which made the 1.5 billion dollar telescope useless. Someone had the idea of giving it glasses, so they gave it a new lens and now the Hubble space telescope can see the beauty of the heavens, but before it looked blurry, because it focused on things that were not important. It is the same way in our lives when we are focused on things that are not important, then we feel hopeless, but when we focus on things of God we have hope. Here is a picture the Hubble telescope took before and after the correction of its nearsightedness.
There are several ways we can seek and set our minds on things of God, by prayer, reading the Bible, fasting, and attending Church. If you have never read the Bible a great place to start is in the book of John. This week I want to remind you that no matter how far south the world seems to have gone, that Jesus has the authority to come back at any time to end all suffering, all sin, all sickness, and all death. This week I also want to encourage anyone who does not know Jesus that He loves you and wants to know you and have a personal relationship with you. Jesus is the cure for all hopelessness, the end to all suffering, death, sickness, and poverty, He is the hope for eternal life.
So this week know that Jesus loves you more than any person ever could and that if you dwell on things of this world you will feel the hopelessness of sin and death’s power over our current world, but when you focus on the things of God, then you will feel the hope of someone who has God within them. Because He who is within us is greater than he who is in the world and remember God is still in control no matter what happens.