
We have talked about the Bible, prayer, and Jesus. We are now going to talk about where we can root our lives. We our to make our biggest root based on Biblical truth that Jesus died and rose again. Then the other roots we should interlace them with other Christians in a Church. I am all for listening to podcasts, but that can’t be the only time you fellowship with the church. Because when your not going to be around other Christians it is easy to blow down a tree with the storm’s of this life. Which God allows the devil to throw at you. Even if you are listening to a podcast on Sunday morning your not intertwined with other Christian in your friendship with Jesus. if the devil can get you to fall he writes you off as worthless, broken, and guilty, but if you are in a church you have friends that can and will pray for you. Stand strong against the temptation of this world. Now let us read Ephesians 2:20 (built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone.) In this verse instead of being a root it’s a stone and it’s like you’re building a house which is your relationship with Christ. This week we should try to pray for our friends, if you are not in a good local church you should try to find one. Listen to a podcast and read His word, if you would like to read with me this week touch the Dive Deeper button.

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