This past week President Trump declared today a national day of prayer. We definitely need to pray with everything that is going on. Many of us are staying at home if we can to avoid getting sick and to keep others from getting sick. Even though we are at home we are still doing stuff and staying busy and distracted. But the best thing we can do is take what the Bible says in Psalms 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” and in John 15:5 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. So we need to be alone with the Lord and connect to the vine, so we can abide in Him. I believe part of the reason God allowed this virus to circulate is so we have nothing to do and we have to slow down. And look to Him because we can’t hear Him over the sound of us coming and going, sometimes it feels like we are going to meet ourselves coming and going. We need to stop and listen to His voice. And look to Him to be our shelter in this confusing time, where there are so many rumors going around about all the things going on in the world. There is lots of fear, we need to have a healthy fear of what is going on around us. Just enough fear to be prepared and to avoid putting ourselves and others in harm’s way. We should use this time to get so close to God that we can feel the beat of His heart and where his heart leads us to follow. You are here for a purpose and when you start to follow Him, you can see your purpose for being here. The things we are worried about were not in His original plan, all of these things are a result of the fall of man in Genesis 3. Everything after Genesis 3 is a story of redemption and how He is going to save us and fix this broken world. He created us to have a relationship with Him, not to run around and never give Him any thought in our everyday life. He doesn’t want to just be a Sunday morning thing or an emergency lifeline, He wants to guide you throughout every day. This week let’s pray and grow close to Him, so close you can feel the beat of His heart. Let’s get alone to pray to the Lord today and all this week so we can know what He is doing in our world and so we can pray that our nation can get through this as a nation under God.